
The Akai MPC JJOSXL Chopping Bible

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JJOSXL Chopping Bible by MPC-Tutor is the first and only dedicated tutorial book for JJOSXL, the advanced third party operating system for the MPC1000/2500. With 125 pages of step-by-step tutorials and practical projects for you to recreate in your MPC, this book comprehensively teaches you everything about the art of chopping in JJOSXL: Fully understand the destructive and non-destructive chopping processes Develop optimal workflows & techniques for chopping drum breaks and entire songs Learn accurate & fast chopping methods along with advanced pad previewing options Build velocity sensitive finger drumming kits from chopped breaks Master the more advanced uses of the patched phrase feature Use sustain looping on instrument chops to create multisampled notes and programs Utilise filters, tuning, effects, ADSR and other program parameters to customize your chopped programs Discover the different methods for implementing polyphonic and monophonic programs Loop individual drum chops for unique percussive effects Create your own songs and beats using nothing but non-destructive chops And much, much more, including a breakdown of all the essential JJOSXL shortcuts and a beginners guide to core MPC functions. The JJOSXL: the Chopping Bible not only teaches you the technical ins-and-outs of JJOSXL, it also strongly focuses on building the essential creative skills you need to write great music and beats in your MPC. Each chapter is broken down into a number of practical beat making projects written in a no-nonsense, step-by-step style, with clear MPC screen shots and all the files you need to recreate each project in your MPC - giving you a fun, hands-on learning experience to quickly master the complexities of JJOSXL.

This book is suitable for anyone who owns an MPC1000 running JJOS2XL 3.2x or an MPC2500 running JJOS-XL version 3.2x - please note that the dedicated large screen '128' operating systems are not compatible with this book (we'll hopefully have books for these OS soon!). If you have any questions about compatibility with your MPC, please don't hesitate to get in touch. From learning the basics of chopping, to developing workflows that suit your own unique style, right through to building your own songs and beats using chops of vintage blues recordings and even entire classical music pieces, JJOSXL: The Chopping Bible is the easiest way to quickly become a JJOSXL chopping master!

Technical Specification: Contents: 125 page PDF ebook, plus over 200 example tutorial files Format: PDF, JJOSXL project files & WAV files Compatibility: MPC1000 running JJOS2XL 3.2x, or MPC2500 running JJOS-XL 3.2x Publisher/Sound Design: Andy Avgousti (MPC-Tutor) Download Size: 69MB Delivery: Instant Download