
Drum Machine Evolution - The Ultimate 808 MPC Sample Kit


Your search for the ultimate 808 kit is finally over! 808 Evolution from Canedrive & Pad Pimps features a phenomenal collection of 336 classic drum machine sounds extensively resampled and layered with a sublime array of vintage samplers and analog sources that most self-respecting studios would die for: ASR 10Emu SP12Akai S950analog tape and vinyl.

The first part of the expansion contains the 'analog showdown', with two kits each resampled through the different samplers to give a total of 12 uniquely flavored kits, each with their own completely unique tone, texture and grit.

The demos below showcase both kits through all six of its variants on the same 2 bar beat (running order: Clean > Vinyl >Tape > S950 > SP12 > ASR10).



The expansion then takes the electronic/analog blend even further with it's unique 'Hybrid Drum Library' containing a scorching collection of 144 drum machine kicks, snares and hats expertly layered with acoustic drum samples and a variety of organic tones & textures to produce a shuddering blend of drum timbres. 

808 Evolution is compatible with all MPCs, with a dedicated 'standalone' expansion for the MPC X & MPC Live, an MPC Software installer for the MPC Touch/Studio/Renaissance (suitable for MPC Software 2.x & 1.9) and a dedicated folder for all legacy MPC models

All kits come with MPC program files that will load up the kit across all your pads in a finger-drumming friendly layout. Expansion edition includes program previews, custom pad colors and full sample tagging. Find out more in the included User Guide.

808 Evolution is a complete must-have collection for any drum machine fanatic! Available to download instantly after purchase!